Home : Course Map : Chapter 19 :
CORBA Client/Server Support Files
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Chapter 19

Server Demo
Client Demo
Demo Support


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The additional files provided include:

The path for the files go as the following diagram:

  |__idfiles (generated by build.bat)
__ src
        |__ javatech
              |__ cor19
                    |__ client
                    |__ server
                          |__ impl

The support

The IDL files listed in Table 19.1 in the book are generated with the command

idlj -fall -td idlfiles src/server.idl

where server.idl lies in the src directory. As mentioned in the text, the code is rather opaque and not of interest to the developer. So we will not display them here. The build.bat command file includes the above command to generate them.

The IDL module file is shown here:


module javatech {
   module cor19 {
     const string COR19_CONSTANT = "Chapter 19";
      module server {

        const string SERVER_CONSTANT = "JavaTech Book";

        exception Cor19UserException {
          string message;
        }; // exception Cor19UserException

        struct CustomData {
          float someFloatValue;
          long someIntegerValue;
        }; // struct CustomData

        interface Cor19Example {
           const long COR19_EXAMPLE_CONSTANT = 19;
           attribute long huh;
           readonly attribute float hah;
           void method1 (in string s);
           long add (in long a, in long b);
           void demo (inout CustomData cd) raises (Cor19UserException);
         }; // interface Cor19


The build, cleanup, and run command files are listed below. (To fit within the table here, in some places the command lines are broken where indicated. In the actual files there are no line breaks.) They lie in the javatech-19 directory.


@rem Builds everything for the CORBA examples in Chapter 19.

set idl_out=build/idlfiles
set class_dir=build/classes
set impl_dir=src/javatech/cor19/server/impl
set client_dir=src/javatech/cor19/client

@rem First run the idlj compiler
idlj -fall -td %idl_out% src/server.idl

@rem Compile the Java sources
mkdir build\classes
javac -classpath %class_dir% -d %class_dir% %idl_out%/javatech/cor19/*.java
javac -classpath %class_dir% -d %class_dir% %idl_out%/javatech/cor19/server/*.java
javac -classpath %class_dir% -d %class_dir% %impl_dir%/*.java
javac -classpath %class_dir% -d %class_dir% %client_dir%/*.java


@rem Clean up the build directory by deleting it.
rmdir/s/q build orb.db
@rem Run the client
java -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=3001 -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialHost=localhost ...no break... -classpath build/classes javatech.cor19.client.Client -ORBInitialPort . .. no break... 3001

@rem Run the server
start orbd -ORBInitialHost localhost -ORBInitialPort 3001
java -classpath build/classes -Dorg.omg.CORBA.ORBInitialPort=3001 ...no break... javatech.cor19.server.impl.Cor19Server



Most recent update: Oct. 13, 2005

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