Home : Course Map : Chapter 23 :
Running External Programs
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Chapter 23

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Run Ext. Programs
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Applications occasionally need to start non-Java programs on the local platfrom. For example, your server (e.g. see Chapters 14, 15, 24) that controls a remote device might need to run a diagnostic program that is only available as C executable .

The java.lang.Runtime and java.lang.Process classes are available for executing and communicating with external programs. With an instance of the Runtime class, a program can be executed. The Process instance for the program allows for some control of the program and for access to the standard input, output, and error output streams for the program.

Here is code to run the MS-DOS batch file getDir.bat that includes the line

   dir *.java

to do a directory listing on a Windows machine. A slightly different command is needed on a Unix or Linux system. There are platform portable ways to get a directory listing purely with Java code - see the java.io.File.list() method - but this example serves to demonstrate how to call external programs.

The program reads the output from this program and prints it out.


import java.io.*;

/** Demonstrate how to run an external program. **/
public class RunTimeApp {

  /** From the main run an external local program. **/
  public static void main (String arg[]) {
    try {
      Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime ();       // step 1

      Process process = rt.exec ("getDir.bat"); // step 2

      InputStreamReader reader =                // step 3
        new InputStreamReader ( process.getInputStream () );

      BufferedReader buf_reader =
         new BufferedReader (  reader );        // step 4.

      String line;
      while ((line = buf_reader.readLine ()) != null)
                   System.out.println (line);

    catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println (e);
  } // main
} // class RunTimeApp


First an instance of the Runtime class is obtained with the factory method:

Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime ();

With the Runtime instance the program is run with the exec() method:

Process process = rt.exec ("doDir.bat");

This method returns an instance of Process that represents the external program. This class provides access to the standard in, out, and err streams with which the Java program can communicate with the external program.

In steps 3 and 4, the Process object is used to read the output from the external process. Another useful method on Process is the waitFor() method which can be used to force the calling Java thread to wait until the external process terminates.

Note that running external programs clearly involves the details of the particular host platform and OS. For example, the exec() method does not use a shell. If a shell is needed, then it can be run directly (ref. McCluskey).

There are several overloaded versions of exec()method that allow for passing arguments to the process and setting environment variables.

Running an external program also obviously limits portability. However, in cases where the external program is available on multiple platforms, such as for Web browsers, the application could use the system properties to determine the platform and then use this information to select a platform specific command.

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