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Real-Time Java
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Embedded applications, such as controlling a device like a cell phone or a heart pump, can require real-time (RT) programming. (RT requirements, of course, can also be applied to non-embedded systems.) Real-time essentially means providing both periodic services and responses to asynchronous demands within strictly enforced deadlines. A real time system is said to be deterministic, meaning it can be relied upon to execute a given task in a predictable amount of time, every time it is called.

Note that a real-time system is not necessarily "real fast." What matters most is that the time taken to complete a task is guaranteed to stay within a known maximum allowed time, i.e. a worst-case delay.

It is common to classify systems as hard real-time or soft real-time. The hard RT systems will never miss a deadline while soft RT tolerates some degree of delay and missed deadlines. A soft RT system degrades rather than fails.

Its common that one part of software system is hard RT while most of it is soft. For example, a program controlling the communications in a cell phone might need to heed hard RT requirements while the graphics user interface on the phone's LCD screen could tolerate some delays.

With reasonable care in the coding and tuning, a program using J2SE or J2ME code can provide acceptable soft real-time performance such as responding quickly enough to inputs on a graphical user interface to satisfy usability requirements. However, for hard real-time tasks Java requires special techniques and/or extensions to the standard set of packages. For example, one technique has been to connect Java to C/C++ programs via JNI (see Chapter 22) to carry out the most time critical tasks.

Garbage Collection vs. Real-Time

The most critical obstacle to real-time processing with Java comes from the Garbage Collector (GC). The GC thread works in the background to manage the allocation of memory. The GC provides memory to new objects and reclaims memory from objects no longer referenced by any variables. The GC relieves the programmer from the burden of memory management and is often cited as one of the primary advantages of Java programming.

However, for real time applications the uncertainty as to when the GC will run and for how long is unacceptable. A process responding to a critical request cannot stop what it is doing and begin running the GC. . The JVM specification does not require a particular type of GC algorithm, and many such algorithms are not deterministic.

One drastic option is simply to turn the GC off. For example, the Javelin Stamp processor, which we will discuss later, eliminates the GC entirely. The drawback obviously is that the user must then take responsibility for all memory management. In particular, the creation of objects and arrays must be very carefully monitored and restricted by the program to avoid running out of memory.

Another technique is to invoke System.gc() during free periods when critical processing isn't required. Though not required to do so, most JVMs run the GC immediately when this method is invoked. If the programmer also insures that there is sufficient memory available for new objects (otherwise the GC will run to free up memory), then the GC will not interfere with the real-time activities.

There are several commercial real-time JVMs available. For example, NewMonics provides its PERC JVM, which is compatible with JDK 1.3 and works with several real-time operating systems. The Jamaica VM from Aicas "provides hard real-time guarantees for all features of the languages together with high performance runtime efficiency".

Incremental collection is a common technique used to create a real-time compatible GC. Unlike many GC algorithms that must either fully complete their pass through the memory or start over from the beginning if they are interrupted, an incremental GC works in short steps and thus allows for interruptions in between the steps. The JVMs from NewMonics and Aicas, for example, use incremental GC.

The Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ)

The JVM specifications do not preclude enhancements needed to provide real-time performance and work on the Real Time Specification for Java (RTSJ) began in 1998 by a group in the Java Community Process (jcp.org) and they finished in 2003. Details of the specification can be found at www.rtj.org.

The RTSJ extension classes come via the javax.realtime API. (Note that standard Java programs can run without modification in a real-time JVM.) The company TimeSys (www.timesys.com) provides the reference implementation of the RTSJ.

The RTSJ does not specify a particular GC algorithm such as incremental collection. It does define new types of memory areas that allow avoidance of the GC altogether. Immortal memory holds objects without destroying them except when the program ends. Scoped memory is used only while a process works within a particular section, or scope, of the program such as in a method. Objects there are automatically destroyed when the process leaves the scope.

Neither immortal nor scoped memories are garbage collected, so using them avoids the problems of GC interference. Note, however, that the programmer must watch out for overflow of the immortal memory.

Another important aspect of the RTSJ was the addition of real-time threads, which provide for more precise scheduling than with standard threads. They have 28 levels of priority and their priority is strictly enforced. They are not subject to so-called priority inversion situations where a lower priority thread has a block on a resource needed by the higher priority thread and thus prevents the higher priority thread from running. Furthermore, the RTSJ includes non-heap real-time threads that cannot be interrupted by the GC.

The RTSJ also provides for asynchronous event handlers that deal with external events (or happenings, as they are called, to distinguish them from the events in the AWT). Asynchronous transfer of control allows one thread to interrupt another thread in a safe manner, unlike the deprecated suspend() and stop() methods for standard threads.

Timing is obviously important for real-time programming so the javax.realtime API includes the abstract class HighResolutionTime and its subclass AbsoluteTime, which represents a point in time, and RelativeTime, which represents a duration. The base class uses a long value for milliseconds and an int value for nanoseconds. Unlike standard Java, RTSJ requires that an implementation provide sub-millisecond precision. (Of course, the accuracy will vary according to the capability of the clock on a particular system.)

While still maintaining security protections, the RTSJ allows direct access to physical memory. This means that device drivers can be created with Java. Previously, Java had to link to native code to communicate directly with hardware.

Full implementations of the RTSJ specification can be too large for some embedded systems and not all of its capabilities are required for every real-time application. So some Java real-time systems use subsets of the RTSJ or they use independent extensions to obtain a smaller memory footprint.

Real-time programming in Java, and in general, can be considerably more challenging than non-RT programming. A number of complex topics and techniques are involved and careful timing measurements and testing are required. See the book by Dibble and the other real-time references for more information.

References & Web Resources


Latest update: Dec. 14, 2004
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