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Wrapper Classes for Primitive Types
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We noted earlier that Java primitive type numbers are not class objects. The language designers decided that the higher processing speed and memory efficiency of simple, non-class structures for such heavily used data types overruled the elegance of a pure object-only language.

The designers decided instead that for each primitive type there would be a corresponding wrapper class. An instance of a wrapper contains, or wraps, a primitive value of the corresponding type.

Wrappers allow for situations where numerical values are needed but objects instead of primitives are required. For example, a very useful tool is as the Vector class (see Chapter 11), which is a list that that can grow or shrink, unlike an array. However, the elements of a Vector instance are object references. So if one wants to use a Vector to hold a list of numbers, the numbers must be wrapped in instances of their corresponding type.

The wrapper classes also provide various tools such as constants (the smallest and largest possible int value, for example) and static methods. You will often use wrapper methods to convert a number type value to a string or a string to a number type (see below)

This table lists the primitive types and the corresponding wrapper classes:

Primitive Wrapper
boolean   java.lang.Boolean
byte   java.lang.Byte
char   java.lang.Character
double   java.lang.Double
float   java.lang.Float
int   java.lang.Integer
long   java.lang.Long
short   java.lang.Short
void   java.lang.Void

See the Java 2 Platform API Specification for listings and descriptions of the methods and constants provided with each of the wrapper classes.

Other than for int, the wrappers come with the same name as the corresponding primitive type except that the first letter is capitalized. The wrappers are normal classes that extend the Object superclass like all Java classes. (We discuss class inheritance in Chapter 4.)

The wrapper constuctors create class objects from the primitive types. For example, for a double floating point number "d" :

     double d = 5.0;
     Double aD = new Double(d);

Here a Double wrapper object is created by passing the double value in the Double constructor argument.

In turn, each wrapper provides a method to return the primitive value

     double r = aD.doubleValue();

Each wrapper has a similar method to access the primitive value: integerValue() for Integer, booleanValue() for Boolean, and so forth.

In the section Autoboxing/Unboxing, we discuss new capabilities added with Java 5.0 for converting back and forth between a wrapper and its corresponding primitive.

Strings, Wrappers and Primitives

The primitive type wrappers provide various static utility methods such as those to convert numbers to strings and vice versa.

We occasionally want to pass values to an applet. The applet hypertext tag includes the param sub-tag for this as shown:

   <applet ...>
      <param name = "string_name" value = "string_value" >

for passing strings to the applet program. The parameter has a name and corresponding value. For example, we could pass two strings with numbers as follows:

<applet code="myApplet" codebase="Java" width=100 height=50>
  <param name="fpNumber" value="12.45">
  <param name="intNumber" value="10">

In the applet code, usually in the init() method, we then use the getParameter(String) method from the Applet class to obtain a given parameter, as in

     String fpStr  = getParameter ("fpNumber");
     String intStr = getParameter ("intNumber");

We now have the parameter values in string form and need to conert them to numbers. The wrapper classes provide tools for this in the form of static methods.

For example, the following code:

   public void init () {

     string fpStr= getParameter ("fpNumber");
     double fpNum = Double.parseDouble (fpStr);

     String intStr = getParameter ("intNumber");
     int intNum = Integer.parseInt (intStr);

shows the use of the parseDouble method in Double and the parseInt method in Integer.

The parseDouble() method appeared with Java 1.2. Previously, the valueOf() method was used to return a Double value, which in turn could provide the double primitive value using the doubleValue() method.

     double fpNum = Double.valueOf(fpStr).doubleValue();

Note that this code demonstrates the common Java technique of executing several commands in a single line. The line executes left to right. The valueOf method returns a Double object, which then has its doubleValue() method called.

Going in the other direction, you can convert a primitive type to a string in several ways. The String class provides static valueOf methods as well as the overloaded "+" operator.

For example, in this code we first convert numerical values to strings using the String class's valueOf() methods (there is one for each primitive type) and then using the "+" operator:

     double d = 5.0;
     int i = 1;
     String dStr = String.valueOf (d);
     String iStr = String.valueOf (i);

     String aStr = "d = " + d;
     String bStr = "i = " + i;

Now dStr and iStr objects hold string representations of 1 and 5.0, while aStr holds "d = 5.0" and bStr holds "i = 1".

Demo 6: Wrappers gives an applet demonstration of converting applet tag parameters to primitive values.

We discuss string formatting of numerical values such as with decimal and scientific notation in the Chapter 5: Tech section.

References and Web Resources


Latest update: Oct. 20, 2004

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Histogram Class
More Wrappers

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