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Objects and Classes in the JVM
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We provide here a rough view of how class descriptions and objects are maintained in the JVM.

Object oriented processing involves a considerable amount of bookkeeping. The class definitions with their fields and methods must be stored and accessed when needed. The data for the instances of these classes must be stored and then the memory released when the objects are no longer needed. Dynamic linking means that initial references in the class files are symbolic (that is, simple strings for class names and for the field and method descriptors). So the JVM must replace these with actual memory reference values when it loads a class and links it to the other classes referenced by the fields and methods.

We discussed in Chapter 1: Supplements : JVM the organization of the JVM and its processing. Here we give a cartoon version with pseudo-code to illustrate the basic concepts involved.

Let's use the MyBoolean example in the Chapter 3: Supplements : Class Types. When the class is loaded into the JVM, the class definition occupies part of the memory allocated for the JVM's runtime data area. This is the section of the JVM's storage area where it manages the class definitions, objects, and other items needing memory.

Note: The JVM specification allows for a lot of flexibility in how an implementation organizes memory but what is described here should be general to most implementations. (See Chapter 5 in ref. Venners).

In the figure below we show an arrangement that a JVM might use to organize its data area. (In practical terms, this might be a set of arrays.) The class definition elements fill a section of one array, while object data fills a second array, and static data fills a third array.

We show the class MyBoolean after it has been loaded into the JVM. It includes the Constant Pool section of the class that holds various strings (such as names of methods and fields), constants (such as values from literals), references to other classes, and additional bookkeeping information. The symbolic references must be resolved to actual memory pointers as they are needed.

After the constant pool comes the section describing the fields and methods. The methods section holds the actual bytecode instructions for each method.

JVM Runtime Data Area
Method Area

MyBoolean Class
Constants Pool
references to
other classes
MyBoolean(int j)
set(int j) bytecode
isTrue() bytecode

AND bytecode
OR bytecode

... Other classes ...

... MyBoolean object ...


Java Stack
... stack frames during
method execution...


PC Registers
... Each thread assigned a Program Counter register ...


Native Method Stacks
... stack frames used for invoking native methods ...


The runtime data area is the working memory buffer used by the JVM to store the class definitions, object data, method frame stacks, etc. We show symbolically how arrays could hold such data. (Ref. Venners)

For example, when a new object is created, the instance data will be inserted into the data array. Then when a particular object is needed, as with a method invocation on the object, the instance variables for the class and the local data for the method will be loaded.

Suppose that a method in a separate class holds the following code :

  MyBoolean bool0 = new MyBoolean(MyBoolean.True);
  MyBoolean bool1 = new MyBoolean(MyBoolean.False);
  MyBoolean bool2 = new MyBoolean(MyBoolean.True);

The JVM would then create three instances of MyBoolean, which in effect means storing the instance data (the "int i" field in MyBoolean) for each of the three objects in the data array.

The JVM will maintain an internal list of pointers to the locations of the class definitions and their objects. So, for example, when a method currently being executed by the JVM references a field in another object or invokes a method of another object of a different class, the JVM will know where in the above arrays to find the field values and methods.

Say that the method above later invokes a method for the bool0 object, as in

  if( bool0.AND(bool1) ) x = 5;

The JVM would load the AND method on top of its stack of methods and set the i variable to the entry in the data array for bool0. It also passes the reference to bool1 in the argument to the AND method. The JVM would then execute each instruction in the AND method until it finished and then unload that method from its stack and return to executing the method that invoked AND.

So we see that our conceptual image of objects as independent, self-contained objects is not exactly how they are in reality. The machinery of the object (that is, the class definition) resides in a single location. The objects consist of the particular values of the instance and static field values that are stored in a separate location. When a particular object executes a method, its data is referenced by the variables in the bytecode machinery. When another object executes that method, all the necessary bytecode pointers switch to that data. 

Metaphorically, the gun is the method bytecode and the bullets are the data that comprise a particular object!

Additional description of the JVM is available in the links below.


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Latest update: Oct. 5, 2005

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