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Demo 1: Falling Object
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For the first demonstration of the Euler method, we will look at an object falling in a constant gravitational acceleration field:


This leads to


As mentioned earlier, we can convert this second order equation to two first order equations by substituting the velocity variable. The Euler formula for the velocity is then


and the vertical coordinate formula becomes


The Falling Object demo program below shows the results of these formulas for four values of dt. It also compares the results to the analytical formulas. (We provide the code for both an applet and an application.)

(Output goes to browser's Java console.)

public class FallingObject_Applet1 extends java.applet.Applet

  public void init()
    // Put code between this line

     double t, y, vy;
     double total_t;
     int n;

     // Constants
     double y0 = 0.0;
     double v0 = 0.0;
     double g = -9.80;// meter per sec**2

     // Version 1
     double dt = 0.1;
     int n_steps = 10;
     y = y0;
     vy = v0;

     for(n=0; n < n_steps; n++)
       y = y + vy * dt;
       vy = vy + g * dt;

     total_t = n * dt;

     System.out.println("Version 1, dt=0.1 ");
     System.out.println("Time = " + total_t);
     System.out.println("y = " + y + ", vy = " + vy);

     // Version 2
     dt = 0.01;
     n_steps = 100;
     y = y0;
     vy = v0;

     for( n=0; n< n_steps; n++)
       y = y + vy * dt;
       vy = vy + g * dt;

     total_t = n * dt;

     System.out.println("Version 2, dt=0.01 ");
     System.out.println("Time = " + total_t);
     System.out.println("y = " + y + ", vy = " + vy);

     // Version 3
     dt = 0.001;
     n_steps = 1000;
     y = y0;
     vy = v0;

     for( n=0; n < n_steps; n++)
       y = y + vy * dt;
       vy = vy + g * dt;

     total_t = n * dt;

     System.out.println("Version 3, dt=0.001 ");
     System.out.println("Time = " + total_t);
     System.out.println("y = " + y + ", vy = " + vy);

     // Version 4
     dt = 0.0001;
     n_steps = 10000;
     y = y0;
     vy = v0;

     for( n=0; n< n_steps; n++)
       y = y + vy * dt;
       vy = vy + g * dt;

     total_t = n * dt;

     System.out.println("Version 4, dt=0.0001 ");
     System.out.println("Time = " + total_t);
     System.out.println("y = " + y + ", vy = " + vy);

     vy = v0 + g;
     y = y0 + 0.5 * g;
     System.out.println("Formulas for Total time = 1.0sec");
     System.out.println("y = " + y + ", vy = " + vy);

  // and this line.

  // Paint message in Applet window.
  public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
g.drawString("FallingObject_app1",10,20); }

Application version:


The output of the program goes as follows:

Version 1, dt=0.1
Time = 1.0
y = -4.410000000000001, vy = -9.800000000000002

Version 2, dt=0.01
Time = 1.0
y = -4.850999999999997, vy = -9.800000000000006

Version 3, dt=0.001
Time = 1.0
y = -4.895100000000021, vy = -9.800000000000114

Version 4, dt=0.0001
Time = 1.0
y = -4.899510000000613, vy = -9.800000000001582

Formulas for tTotal = 1.0sec
y = -4.9, vy = -9.8


Note: The long fractions in the decimal values is rather annoying but we will wait till Chapter 5: Tech to discuss how to specify the format of numbers in the print output .

We see that the y drop distance varies according to the choice of dt. The finer the increment, the closer the distance matches the analytical result.

The discrepencies between the Euler method and the analytical formula come from three sources:

  1. Truncation error - Our choice of dt in the algorithm leads to a particular level of error. This error would occur no matter what language or processor we used. This algorithm dependent error is usually referred to in numerical methods literature as the truncation error.

    Here the computation of y assumes that the velocity remains constant during dt, which is not true, though as dt becomes smaller and smaller, the error becomes smaller as well.

  2. Computation error - The variation in the higher digits comes from our choice (or the processor designer's choice) of the floating point precision. A floating point type with an infinitely wide mantissa would eliminate such error entirely but for real world computers, this error is unavoidable at some level of precison.

Exercise: Modify the above demo program to use float types instead of double. Note that you will need to change the floating point literals to float types as well by appending 'f', e.g. g = -9.80f.

Can you see changes in the results due to the lower precision float type? Try letting it fall further, e.g. larger nSteps, to see if the discrepancies grow.

Latest update: Oct. 22, 2005

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FP : Java  
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Euler Method
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