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More Casting & Mixing
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Chapter 2


Primitive Types
Casts & Mixing
Console Output 

Conditional: if-else
Flow Control

Java vs C/C++
JVM Instructions 1

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We look further here into numerical issues regarding the mixing and casting of primitive data types. This continues the discussion in the Java track:

When data of one primitive type is cast to another type, how the numerical values are affected should be taken into account.

  • Narrowing Conversions: when an integer type is cast to another integer type of a smaller n number of bits, all but the n lowest-order bits, will be truncated.

    Depending on the initial input value, the result can have a different value and/or a different sign from the input value.

  • Integer to Floating Point Conversions : these are widening conversions so explicit casts are not required. However, note that the precision for large numbers can actually decrease since the exponent occupies part of the 4 bytes allocated for a float and the 8 bytes for a double.

    So the significand is decreased accordingly. A large int value converted to a float can lose low order bits and similarly for a long to a double.

Note that char data can be cast to other integer values but may result in unexpected values since it is unsigned while the other integer types are signed.

The following applet provides several simple examples of casts. The output goes to the Java console for your browser.

import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*;

/* This applet tests various math expressions.
   Run with appletviewer to see print out on
   screen or with a browser Java console. OR
   run as an application.


public class MathTest1 extends Applet {
  public void init() {
    // FP literals are double type by default.
    // Append F or f to make float, or cast to float

    float x=5.1f;
    float y=(float)2.0;

    System.out.println("First look at mixed FP & integers");
    int i=1;
    int j= (int)(i*x);
        (" Mixed int and float: j=(int)(i*x) = " + j);

    double dy=2.0;
    double dz=dy * y;
       (" Mixed float and double: dz=dy * y = " + dz);

       ("\nNow look at byte types in expressions");
    byte ba = 10;// int literal converted without cast to byte
                 // if in range allow for bytes -128 to 127

    byte bb = 1;
    // Even though byte operands, the calculation is done as
    // int integers so result must be cast back to byte.

byte bc = (byte)(ba - bb);
System.out.println(" byte: 10 - 1 = " + bc);

    ba = -128; bb = 1;
    bc = (byte)(ba - bb);
    System.out.println(" byte -127 - 1 = " + bc );

j = (int)(ba - bb);
System.out.println(" (int)(-127 - 1) = " + j );

       ("\nNow look at short types in expressions");
    short sa = 10; // int literal converted without cast to
               // byte if in range short
    sb = 1;
    // Even though short operands, the calculation in the JVM
// uses int integers so result must be cast back to short.
    short sc = (short)(sa - sb);
    System.out.println(" short: 10 - 1 = " + sc );

    sa = 32767;
    sb = 1;
sc = (short)(sa + sb);
System.out.println(" short 32767 + 1 = " + sc );

       ("\nNow look at char types in expressions");

    char ca = '\u000F';// unicode must be put into quotes

    char cb = '\u0001';
    // Can do arithmetic operations on char types
    int ic = ca - cb; // auto widen to integer without cast
    System.out.println(" char: \u000F - \u0001 = " + ic );

    // ca = 0x000F; Cannot use hex value directly for the char
    // value. The compiler will flag this as an error.

    ic = ca - 1; // Char acts as unsigned integer in
    // arithmetic operations
    System.out.println(" char(0x000F) - 1 = " + ic);

    ca = '\uFFFF';
    ic = ca;
    System.out.println(" (int)(\uFFFF) = " + ic);

    sa = (short)ca;
    System.out.println(" (short)(\uFFFF) = " + sa);

    sa = -32768;
    ca = (char)sa;
    ic = ca;
    System.out.println(" -32768 short to char to int = " + ic);

    sa = -1;
    ca = (char)sa;
    ic = ca;
    System.out.println(" -1 short to char to int = " + ic);

  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    g.drawString("Math tests",10,20);
  // Allow for option of running as an application

  public static void main( String [] args){
    MathTest1 mathTest1 = new MathTest1();



Latest update: Dec.12.2003

Arithmetic Ops
Math Class
More on Integers
FP : Overview
FP : Java  
Demo 1
More Mix/Cast
  Demo 2

Differential Eq.
Euler Method
Demo 1
Demo 2

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