Home : Course Map : Chapter 13 : Tech :
URL Class
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Chapter 13

Network Overview
Internet Basics
IP - Datagrams
  Application Layer
Java Networking
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Read From URL
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Browsers obtain resources from the Web by specifying the Web addresses, which are referred to officially as Uniform Resource Locators (URL). For example,


The formal description of the URL components goes as follows: 



  Protocol_ID = HTTP, FTP, etc

  Host_IP_address = Host name in either numerical IP or hostname format

  Port = default is 80

  Filename = Name of a hypertext web page or other type of file. Default index.htm[l]

  Target = optional reference address within a Web page

In Java we can create an instance of the java.net.URL class. These specify the location of a file on the network. We have, for example, used URL objects to obtain the location of image files in applets as shown here:

   getImage( getCodeBase(), filename);

The applet method getCodeBase() returns a URL object for the location of the applet file. Here it is assumed the image file resides in the same directory  

The URL class provides several methods for obtaining URL information (after a program in the Sun Java Tutorial):


import java.net.*;
import java.io.*;

/** Parse a URL address into its components. **/
public class ParseAddress

  public static void main (String[] args) {
   if (arg.length !=1) {
     System.out.println ("Error: missing the url argument");
     System.out.println ("Usage: java ParseURL <url>");
     System.exit (0);

   try {
URL url = new URL (arg[0]);
 System.out.println ("Protocol = " + url.getProtocol ());
     System.out.println ("Host = " + url.getHost ());
     System.out.println ("File name = " + url.getFile ());
     System.out.println ("Port = " + url.getPort ());
     System.out.println ("Target = " + url.getRef ());
   catch (MalformedURLException e) {

      System.out.println ("Bad URL = " + arg[0]);
// main
} // class ParseAddress


You run the program as follows:

  c:\> java ParseAddress http://www.myschool.edu:80/data/x.html#d

This program outputs:

  Protocol = http
  Host = www.myschool.edu
  File name = /data/x.html
  Port = 80
  Target = d

Also, URL's can be constructed from a URL string

  URL kth = new URL ("http//www.kth.se/index.html");

or from separate protocol, host, file strings:

  URL kth = new URL ("http","www.kth.se","/index.html");

When you attempt to create a URL object, the constructor will validate the components . If they are in error, it will throw a MalformedURLException. So you must catch this exception from the URL constructors.

References & Web Resources

Latest update: Dec. 8, 2004

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