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Casting References
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As discussed earlier, Java does not allow a class to inherit more than one class as in C++. That is,

  class Test extends aClass, bClass{ // Error !!

There are situations where multiple inheritance can be useful but it can also lead to problems. For example, a reference to a method with the same name in both classes needs a system for making it explicit as to which class should be used.

Iinterfaces provide most of the advantages of multiple inheritance with fewer problems. An interface is basically an abstract class but with all of the methods abstract. (The methods in an interface do not need the explicit abstract modifier since they are abstract by definition.)

A class implements an interface rather than extends it. Any class that implements the interface must override all the interface methods with it's own methods.

(In the case of identical method names in two interfaces, it's irrelevant since both methods are abstract and carry no code body. In a sense, both are overridden by the single method of that name in the implementing class.)

In the example below, Runnable is an interface with a single method: run(). So any method that implements Runnable must override run().

class Test extends Applet implements Runnable
public void run () {

interface Runnable
public void run ();

Any number of interfaces can be implemented. Just separate the interface names with a comma:

class Test extends Applet implements Runnable, AnInterface
public void run () {

public void walk () {


interface AnInterface
public void walk ();

Any class that implements an interface can be referenced as a type of that interface, as shown in this code:

class Test extends Applet
  public void init () {
    Runnable r;
    r = new user();


User implements Runnable

  public void run () {


Note: Interface names often end with "able" to imply that they add to the capabilty of the class.

Interfacing Classes

Interface is a very suitable name because they provide a systematic way of providing an entrance to a class. That is, they provide a common interface.

Suppose we have classes Relay and Valve that are completely independent, perhaps written by two different people. If we want he class Test to communicate with these classes, an interface provides a simple, standard way to do this.

Lets define an interface called Switchable, which holds a single method called getState(), as in

  public interface Switchable
    public boolean getState();

We want to use getState() to return a value that indicates whether a relay or a valve is on or off. In the code below we show the class Test that casts instances of Relay and Valve as Switchable types and it can then call their respective getState() to communicate with them:

public class Test
  public static void main(String [] args)
    Switchable [] state = new Switchable[2];
    state[0] = new Relay ();
    state[1] = new Valve ();

    for (int i=0; i < 2; i++)
      if (state[i].getState ()) sum++;
  ... other code ...

class Relay implements Switchable
   boolean setting = false;
   // Override the interface method
   boolean getState ()
    return setting;

... other code ...

class Valve implements Switchable
    boolean open = false;
   // Override the interface method
   boolean getState ()
    return open;

... other code ...

interface Switchable
   void getState ();

So the only modifications required for the classes Relay and Valve were the implementation of the interface Switchable. We override the getState() with code appropriate to the task for the particular class.

In the class Test we illustrate how we can treat instances of Relay and Valve as a common type of Switchable and use the getState() to find the desired info for the particular class.

If later we want to find the state from a Pump or other class that represents a device of interest, we just tell the author to implement the Switchable interface. So we see that an interface can serve literally to interface otherwise incompatible classes together.

Interfaces for Callbacks

A common technique in the C language is to pass a pointer to a function in the argument list of another function. The receiving function can invoke the passed function using the pointer. This approach is referred to as a callback.

Callbacks are very useful in situations where you want to invoke different functions without needing to know what particular function is being invoked. For example, a plotting function could receive a pointer to a function that takes a value on the horizontal axis as an argument and returns a value for the vertical axis. The plotting function could then plot any such function that is passed to it.

Java, however, does not provide for pointers (direct memory addresses) to methods. Instead, interfaces are used for callbacks. In this case, a method holds an interface reference in its argument list and then invokes a method in the interface.

(The Method class in the Reflection package can represent a method and can invoke it in a general manner. However, it is not recommended to use Method for callbacks. It is rather clumsy and it also loses the type checking on the arguments and return type during the compilation.)

In the following code, we see that the aFunc(Switchable obj) method invokes the getState() method of the Switchable interface. An instance of any class that implements the Switchable interface can be passed, thus providing the same generality as the pointer callbacks in C.

public class TestCallBack
  public static void main(String [] args)
Switchable [] switches = new Switchable[3];
    switches[0] = new Relay ();
    switches[1] = new Relay ();
    switches[2] = new Valve ();;

    for (int i=0; i < 3; i++)
      aFunc (
  // Pass Switchable objects and call their getState()
  void aFunc (Switchable obj)
      if (obj.getState ()) doSomething ();

  ... other code...

See previous example for the Switchable,
Relay, & Valve definitions.


More about Interfaces

An interface can also contain data fields but they must be declared static and final, where final indicates that the data cannot be modified. (See Chapter 5: Interfaces with Only Constants.)

An interface can extend another interface and thus inherit the abstract methods and final, static data of the super-interface.

We will discuss access rules and modifiers in the next chapter but here we will note that interface methods are public. (So the overriding methods in the classes that implement the interface must also be public.)

An interface can be empty. That is, an interface could contain no methods or data at all. Such an empty interface can be useful as a "marker" of classes. That is, you can use the instanceof operator to determine if a class is of the particular marker type, which then can imply some quality of the class. We will see later, for example, that one can use the empty cloneable interface to indicate whether a class overrides the clone method from Object for making copies of the class.


Last update: Oct. 23, 2004

Vectors & Matrices

Runge-Kutta 2nd
  Demo 1
Runge-Kutta 4th
  Demo 2
Shooting Method
  Demo 3

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