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Runge-Kutta 4th Order
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A further refinement of the Runge-Kutta approach uses derivatives at the beginning of the interval, at the end of the interval and twice at the midpoint.

Using the conventional k# variable names, we obtain the following increments in the variable xn with :





Then the new increment in variable x is calculated as a weighted average of these estimated increments with k2 and k3 , the two midpoint values, given double weights.


The code below shows a class created to carry out the 4th order Runge-Kutta algorithm.


  * Provides a static method to calculate the 4th order
  * Runge-Kutta integration calculation.
public class RungeKutta4th
    * Calculated a step of the integration of an ODE with
    * 4th order RK.
    * @param t  independent variable
    * @param dt step in the independent variable
    * @param var array holding the dependent variable
    * @param vel array holding the first derivative
  public static void step (double t, double dt,
                   double [] var,
                   double [] vel,
                   Derivable func ) {
    double k1_var, k1_vel;
    double k2_var, k2_vel;
    double k3_var, k3_vel;
    double k4_var, k4_vel;

    for (int i=0; i < var.length; i++) {
      k1_var = vel[i] * dt;
      k1_vel = func.deriv (i,var[i],vel[i],t)*dt;

      k2_var =  (vel[i] + 0.5*k1_vel)*dt;
      k2_vel = func.deriv (i,var[i] + 0.5*k1_var,
                         vel[i] + 0.5*k1_vel,

      k3_var =  (vel[i] + 0.5*k2_vel)*dt;
      k3_vel = func.deriv (i,var[i] + 0.5*k2_var,
                         vel[i] + 0.5*k2_vel,

      k4_var =  (vel[i] + k3_vel)*dt;
      k4_vel = func.deriv (i,var[i] + k3_var,
                      vel[i] + k3_vel,

      var[i] = var[i] +
                 (k1_var + 2.0*k2_var
                       + 2.0*k3_var + k4_var)/6.0;
      vel[i] = vel[i] +
                 (k1_vel + 2.0*k2_vel
                       + 2.0*k3_vel + k4_vel)/6.0;
    t += dt;
  } // step
} // RungeKutta4th


The example below is the same as previously except that the above code for the 4th order Runge-Kutta is used to the step calculation.

(Output goes to browser's Java console.)

/** Program using the second order Runge-Kutta method
  * to solve for the landing point of a projectile.**/
public class RK4thApplet extends java.applet.Applet
  implements Derivable
  // Constants
  double g  = 9.80;// meter per sec**2
  double x0 = 0.0;
  double y0 = 0.0;
  double v0 = 100.0;// initial vel, m/s
  double angle = Math.PI/4.0;

  // Instance variables
  double [] pos = new double[2];
  double [] vel = new double[2];

  /** Set up for the algorithm. **/
  public void init () {

    double t;
    double totalT;

    int n;

    double dt =  0.01;
    int nSteps = 100000;

    pos[0] = x0;
    pos[1] = y0;
    vel[0] = v0 * Math.cos (angle);
    vel[1] = v0 * Math.sin (angle);
    t = 0.0;

    for ( n=0; n< nSteps; n++) {
      RungeKutta4th.step (t,dt,pos,vel,this);
      if (pos[1] <= 0.0) break;

    System.out.println ("After steps = " + n);
    System.out.println (" x = " + pos[0]);

  } // init

  /** Implement the interface method for the derivative
    *  of the variables. **/
  public double deriv (int i, double var, double vel, double t) {
    if (i == 0) { // x variable
       return 0.0;
    } else {// y variable
       return -g;
  } // deriv

  /** Paint message in Applet window. **/
  public void paint (java.awt.Graphics g) {
     g.drawString ("RK4thApplet",20,20);
  } // paint

  /** Run optionally as a application. **/
  public static void main (String [] args) {
    RK4thApplet obj = new RK4thApplet ();
    obj.init ();
  } // main

} // RK4thApplet


The output shows

After steps =1443
   x = 1021.0621920333822


This is the same as for the previous example since constant term for the acceleration results in the same increment to x as with the 2nd order code.


Most recent update: Oct. 21, 2005

Vectors & Matrices

Runge-Kutta 2nd
  Demo 1
Runge-Kutta 4th
  Demo 2
Shooting Method
  Demo 3

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