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Simulation and Analysis Code:
Drop Analysis of Data with Instrument and Systematic Effects
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The program DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr analyzes the output of the program DropGenCalSysErr discussed on the previous page. The program is quite similar to DropDataAnalysis from Chapter 10: Physics except that it allows the user to enter a "calibration" constant that will be subtracted from the position data. Also the program displays the full polynominal fit to the y vs. time data.

The DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr class mainly deals with the GUI and with reading in the data from the file. It lets an instance of DropAnalyzerCalSysErr, which is a subclass of DropAnalyzer , do most of the actual analysis. This class fits the data points and then plots the data and fitted polynominal line on a panel displayed on the GUI. Before the fit, DropAnalyzerCalSysErr subtract from the position data values the value given in the calibration field on the user interface.


DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr - Developed from from the Chapter 9: Physics: Experiment Simulation with Analysis Module and Chapter 10: Simulated Data Generation and Analysis Demo, this program examines the data produced by DropGenCalSysErr. It allows the user to enter an "calibration" constant to subtract from the position values. It also displays the whole fit to the position vs time data.

The drop down menu allows the user to select a file chooser to find the data file. The first text field shows the data file selected.

The second text field allows the user to enter the calibration value to subtract from the position data.

The blue dots in the above plot are the position of the dropped mass for each time step during the drop averaged over the number of drops in the data file. Vertical red lines, just barely visible in this plot, represent the error on these y position averages. (The time step values are considered exact.)

DropAnalyzerCalSysErr - subclass of DropAnalyzer that allows for subtraction of a calibration constant from the position values. It also displays the whole polynominal fit to the y vs t data.

+ Previous Classes:
Chapter 9: Physics: DropAnalyzer
Ch. 8: Physics:
Fit.java, FitPoly.java, DrawPoly.java
Ch. 6: Tech: DrawPanel.java, DrawPoints.java, DrawFunction.java

Chapter 6: Tech: PlotPanel.java, PlotFormat.java


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

  * This program reads in data from a file created by DropGenerator.
  * For each drop event the data is sent to an instance of DropAnalyzer.
  * When all the data is read, a fit is made to the average y vs t curve
  * to determine the g parameter as before.
public class DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr extends JFrame
                        implements ActionListener
  // Constants to identify type of data according to the
  // bits set.
  final static int RUN_SIM    = 0x1;  // Simulation
  final static int RUN_ADDCAL = 0x2;  // Include instrument constants
  final static int RUN_RUNCAL = 0x4;  // Calibration run
  final static int RUN_SYSERR = 0x8;  // Simulate systematic error

  int fRunType = RUN_SIM; // Default to simulation data.

  // UI control variables
  JMenuItem fMenuOpen;
  JMenuItem fMenuSave;
  JMenuItem fMenuClose;

  JTextField fFileTextField;    // Input data file name
  JTextField fCalPosTextField;  // Calibration constant user input
  double fCalPosConstant = 0.0; // Calibration constant

  DropAnalyzerCalSysErr fDropAnalyzer;

  JButton fGoButton;

  // Change these names as needed
  String fButtonName1 = "Go";

  // Filter and File object for fFile chooser
  DataFilter fDataFilter = new DataFilter ();
  File fInFile;
  String fInFileName = "[select input file]";
  // DataInputStream is used to read the data.
  DataInputStream fInData;

  // 2-D array to hold position and time data for
  // each drop.
  double [][] fData;

  // The data file includes the time for when it
  // was made.
  Date dateOfData;

  // Enumerated type used to direct output operations
  public enum InputCmd {IN_SETUP, IN_READ, OUT_CLOSE}

  // Enumerated type used to direct output operations
  public enum InputStatus {OK, EVENT_READ, EOF, ERROR}
  InputStatus fInputStatus;

  // Maximum number of measurements along each drop trajectory
  int fMaxNumMeasurements;
  // Number of measurements on current drop
  int fNumMeasures;
  // Drop number in the file
  int fNumDrops;
  // Max number of drops in the file
  int fMaxNumDrops;

  // The following experimental settings could be allowed
  // to vary and then recorded in the data header for a given
  // run. However, this program assumes they are constant.

  // Starting coordinates of drop
  double fXBallStart =  25.0; // cm
  double fYBallStart = 200.0; // cm
  double fYBallEnd   =   0.0; // cm

  // Range of the drop time.
  double fTStart = 0.00; // sec
  double fTEnd   = 0.75; // sec

  /** Create a frame for displaying the GUI.**/
  public static void main (String [] args) {
    String title="Drop Data Analysis";
    DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr f = new DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr (title);
    f.setVisible (true);
  } // main

    * The GUI is built in the constructore. Pass a title
    * to the frame via the constructor  argument.
  DropDataAnalysisCalSysErr (String title) {
    super (title);

    // Create a user interface.
    setLayout (new BorderLayout ());

    // Create an analyzer and add its panel to the frame.
    fDropAnalyzer = new DropAnalyzerCalSysErr (
                                      fYBallEnd, fYBallStart,
                                      fTStart, fTEnd);

    add (fDropAnalyzer.getPanel (), "Center");

    // Create a panel with a textfield and two buttons
    fFileTextField = new JTextField (fInFileName);

    fGoButton = new JButton (fButtonName1);
    fGoButton.addActionListener (this);

    fCalPosTextField = new JTextField ("0.0");

    JPanel panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,3));
    panel.add (fFileTextField);
    panel.add (fCalPosTextField);
    panel.add (fGoButton);

    add (panel, "South");

    // Use the helper method makeMenuItem
    // for making the menu items and registering
    // their listener.
    JMenu m = new JMenu ("File");

    // the particular program.
    m.add (fMenuOpen  = makeMenuItem ("Open"));
    m.add (fMenuClose = makeMenuItem ("Quit"));

    JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar ();
    mb.add (m);

    setJMenuBar (mb);
    setSize (550,400);
    setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);

  } // ctor

    * Process events from the frame menu and the chooser.
  public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
    boolean status = false;

    String command = e.getActionCommand ();

    if (command.equals (fButtonName1)) {
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.OK) analyzeData ();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "File not ready", "File Read Error",
    else if (command.equals ("Open")) {
      // Open a fFile
      status = openFile ();
      if (!status) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
            "Error opening fFile!", "File Open Error",
         fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
      } else {
        fInputStatus = InputStatus.OK;

    } else if (command.equals ("Quit")) {
      dispose ();
  } // actionPerformed

    * This "helper method" makes a menu item and then
    * registers this object as a listener to it.
  private JMenuItem makeMenuItem (String name) {
    JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem ( name );
    m.addActionListener ( this );
    return m;

  /** Carry out the analysis of the data in the chosen file. **/
  void analyzeData () {
    int evt = 0;
    while (true) {
      // Read an event
      inputFromFile (InputCmd.IN_READ);
      // and analyze it.
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.EVENT_READ) {
        fDropAnalyzer.analyzeDrop (fData[0], fData[1], fNumMeasures);
      } else
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.EOF) {
        // Analyze the full run data now.
        fDropAnalyzer.analyzeRun ();
      } else
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.ERROR) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "Read failure", "File Read Error",

  } // analyzeData

    *  This method handles the input from the data file.
    *  The ennumerated type InputCmd indicates which
    *  operation: setup, writing each drop data set, and
    *  stream closeing should be executed.
  void inputFromFile (InputCmd input_cmd) {

    switch (input_cmd) {

      case IN_SETUP:
        try {
          // Wrap the FileInputStream with a DataInputStream
          FileInputStream file_input = new FileInputStream (fInFile);
          fInData = new DataInputStream (file_input );

          // Read header

          // First get the type of the run data
          fRunType = fInData.readInt ();
          // Then get the time of the run (in millisecs since 1970)
          long data_time = fInData.readLong ();
          // And convert to a date object.
          dateOfData = new Date (data_time);
          // Then convert this date to a string with date and time
          DateFormat df =
          String run_date = df.format(dateOfData);
          String plot_title = "";
          if ((fRunType & RUN_RUNCAL) != 0)
            plot_title += "Cal run,";
            plot_title = "Sim Data,";
          if ((fRunType & RUN_ADDCAL) != 0) plot_title += "cal offset,";
          if ((fRunType & RUN_SYSERR) != 0) plot_title += "sys error," ;

          fDropAnalyzer.fDrawPanel.setTitle (plot_title + run_date);

          // Now get the other data in the header
          fMaxNumDrops = fInData.readInt ();
          fMaxNumMeasurements = fInData.readInt ();

          // Check the calibration constant input from the user
          try {
            fCalPosConstant = Double.parseDouble (fCalPosTextField.getText ());
          catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
             System.out.println ("Bad input value");
             fCalPosConstant = 0.0;

          // Tell the analyzer how the max number of drop events to
          // expect and the max number of measurements for a drop.
          fDropAnalyzer.initRun (fMaxNumDrops, fMaxNumMeasurements, fCalPosConstant);

          // Need an array to hold data for a single drop
          fData = new double[2][fMaxNumMeasurements];
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "Cannot open file!", "File Open Failure",
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
        catch (IOException ioe) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure", "File Read Error",
           fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;

      case IN_READ:
        // Now read the data and analze.
        try {
          fNumDrops = fInData.readInt ();    // drop number
          fNumMeasures = fInData.readInt (); // Number of measurements
          // Write the data as an position/time pair
          for (int i=0; i < fNumMeasures; i++) {
            fData[0][i] = fInData.readDouble (); // positions
            fData[1][i] = fInData.readDouble (); // times
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.EVENT_READ;
        catch (EOFException eof) {
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.EOF;
          inputFromFile (InputCmd.OUT_CLOSE);
        catch (IOException e) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure", "File Read Error",
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
          inputFromFile (InputCmd.OUT_CLOSE);

      case OUT_CLOSE:
        // Close file when finished with it.
        try {
          fInData.close ();
        catch (IOException e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure on file close!", "File Read Error",

  } // inputFromFile

    * Use a JFileChooser in Open mode to select fFiles
    * to open. Use a filter for FileFilter subclass to select
    * for *.dat fFiles. If a file is selected then read the
    * file and place the string into the textarea.
  boolean openFile () {

    JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser ();
    fc.setDialogTitle ("Open File");

    // Choose only fFiles, not directories
    fc.setFileSelectionMode ( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY);

    // Start in current directory
    fc.setCurrentDirectory (new File ("."));

    // Set filter for web pages.
    fc.setFileFilter (fDataFilter);

    // Now open chooser
    int result = fc.showOpenDialog (this);

    if (result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) {
        return true;
    } else if ( result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        fInFile = fc.getSelectedFile ();
        String fInFileName = fInFile.getName ();
        if (fInFileName != null) {
           fFileTextField.setText (fInFileName);
           inputFromFile (InputCmd.IN_SETUP);
        } else
           return false;

    } else {
        return false;
      return true;

  } // openfFile

} // class DropDataAnalysis

/** Class to use with JFileChooser for selecting hypertext fFiles.*/
class DataFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter {

  public boolean accept (File f) {
    return f.getName ().toLowerCase ().endsWith (".dat")
        || f.isDirectory ();
  public String getDescription () {
    return "Data files  (*.data)";
} // class DataFilter

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

  *  This class carries out the analysis of the drop experiment.
  *  It is similar to the DropAnalyzer class but allows for subtraction
  *  of calibration constant from the position data. It also displays
  *  the whole polynominal fit to the position vs time curve.

public class DropAnalyzerCalSysErr extends DropAnalyzer
  // Allow for a calibration constant to be subtracted
  // from the position data.
  double fCalPosConstant = 0.0;

    *  The constructor receives the limits to the
    *  vertical range of the drop and the times.
  public DropAnalyzerCalSysErr (double y_data_min, double y_data_max,
                                double t_data_min, double t_data_max) {

    super (y_data_min, y_data_max, t_data_min, t_data_max);

  } // DropAnalyzerCalSysErr

    *  Get the data measurements from the detector for a
    *  single drop. The time and positions are recorded from
    *  the first measurement point. The arrays may not be full
    *  so the fNumMeasurements variable keeps track of the number
    *  of elements with data.
    *  Subtract the calibration constant from the position data.
  public void analyzeDrop (double [] measured_pos,
                           double [] measured_times,
                           int n_measures ){

    // Restrict the number drops to the fixed size of the data array.
    if (fNumDrops >= fMaxNumDrops ) return;

    // Use the given number of elements in the array but don't exceed
    // the size of the fDyData.
    fNumMeasurements = n_measures;
    if (fNumMeasurements > fMaxNumMeasurements)
        fNumMeasurements = fMaxNumMeasurements;

    // Make sure that the buffer size equals that of the time data array
    if (fDtData == null || fDtData.length < n_measures)
        fDtData = new double[fNumMeasurements];

    for (int j=0; j < fNumMeasurements; j++){

        // Save the time data. Assume it does not change
        // significantly from drop to drop.
        fDtData[j] = measured_times[j];

        // Record the position data for every drop so that
        // we can do averaging and error calculations at the
        // end of the run.
        fDyData[fNumDrops][j] = measured_pos[j] - fCalPosConstant;

  } // analyzeDrop

    *  Analyze the data from a set of drops.
    *  Find the average position at each time step.
    *  Also calculate the sigma on the position.
    *  Show the fitted polynominal along with the
    *  error on the parameters of the fit.
  public void analyzeRun () {

    if (fNumDrops == 0) return;

    // Create the arrays needed for the averaging
    // and std.dev. calculation.
    double [] dyAvg  = new double[fNumMeasurements];
    double [] dySq   = new double[fNumMeasurements];
    double [] sigmaY = new double[fNumMeasurements];

    // Accumulate the sums for the averaging
    for (int i=0; i < fNumDrops; i++) {
      for (int j=0; j < fNumMeasurements; j++){
          dyAvg[j] += fDyData[i][j];
          dySq[j]  += fDyData[i][j] * fDyData[i][j];

    // Get the average position and its std.dev.
    for (int j=0; j < fNumMeasurements; j++){

      // Get the average velocity over the top gap
      dyAvg[j] /= fNumDrops;
      dySq[j]  /= fNumDrops;
      // Calculate the std.dev.
      double err = dySq[j] - dyAvg[j]*dyAvg[j];
      // Roundoff might result in a neg value for case of
      //  very small or zero smearing of the position data.
      if ( err < 1.0E-10)
          sigmaY[j] = Math.sqrt (err);

    fPointsData[0] = dyAvg;
    fPointsData[1] = fDtData;
    fPointsData[2] = sigmaY;
    fPointsData[3] = null;  // assume no error on the time values

    // Pass the data points info to the fDrawPoints object
    fDrawPoints.setParameters ( null, fPointsData);

    // Fit points to a quadratic. Make parameters array twice as big
    // to make room for error values.
    double [] parameters = new double[6];
    FitPoly.fit (parameters, fDtData, dyAvg, null, sigmaY, fNumMeasurements);

    // Pass the fitted parameters to the DrawPoly object to draw the
    // quadratic.
    fDrawPoly.setParameters (parameters, null);

    // Use the PlotFormat static method to format the parameters from the fit
    // to the data.  (FitPoly uses the covariance matrix diagonal elements
    // to estimate the parameter errors.)
    double y0 = parameters[0];
    double y0_err = parameters[3];

    double v0 = parameters[1];
    double v0_err = parameters[4];

    double g  = parameters[2]*2.0;
    double g_err = parameters[5]*2.0;
    String fit_result =
       "y0 = " +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (y0,1100.0,0.0,3)     + "+/-" +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (y0_err,1100.0,0.0,3) + "cm"
       + ", v0 = " +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (v0,1100.0,0.0,4)     + "+/-" +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (v0_err,1100.0,0.0,3) + "cm/s"
       + ", g = " +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (g,1100.0,0.0,4)     + "+/-" +
       PlotFormat.getFormatted (g_err,1100.0,0.0,3) + "cm/s^2";

    fResultsField.setText (fit_result);

    // Cause the  curve to be redrawn.
    fDrawPanel.repaint ();

  } // analyzeRun

    *  Before each experiment  (i.e. set of drops), indicate here the number
    *  of measurements per drop and the maximum number of drops per run.
  public void initRun (int max_drops, int max_num_measurements, double cal_pos) {
    fMaxNumMeasurements = max_num_measurements;
    fNumMeasurements = max_num_measurements;
    fMaxNumDrops = max_drops;
    fCalPosConstant = cal_pos;

    // Create the data buffers.
    if (fDyData == null || fDyData.length < fMaxNumDrops)
      fDyData = new double[fMaxNumDrops][fMaxNumMeasurements];

    reset ();
  } // initRun

} // DropAnalyzerCalSysErr


Most recent update: Nov. 8, 2005


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