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Class Class
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Class Class
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Java, unlike C++, maintains a clear object oriented structure after compilation, . The class definition - the fields, methods and constructors - is contained in its own object of type Class. (this leads to the redundant and rather confusing Class class nomenclature!)

That is, every class, such as Object, String or Thread, has a corresponding Class object that is actually responsible for creating the objects of that particular type. (Even the primitive types and void have a corresponding Class object to describe them even though they are not classes in the usual sense.)

This higher level abstraction can be confusing but one doesn't need to understand it very deeply to take advantage of the tools that Class provides.

Class is an important part of Java's ability to dynamically (while the program is running rather than during compilation) load new classes and create objects from them. We discussed in Chapter 4: Adv : Class Loading how each class file is loaded by a class loader object.

The Class object can be obtained from

  • An object:

       String str = "A string";
       Class c = str.getClass();

  • The name of a class:

       Class c = Class.forName("String");

  • The class type:

      Class c = String.class;

Note that the .class is not a field in the String or Object classes but is an operator detected by the compiler.

Inversely, we can use Class to find out what is the name of the class type of an unknown object

     Class c = str.getClass();

And Class objects can create instances of the class type they represent:

     String newStr = (String)c.newInstance();
   catch (InstantiationException e)
   catch (IllegalAccessException e)

Class has many other methods, with many especially intended to provide information on the class description (see the page on Reflection). These include various getter methods, such as getMethods()and getFields(), that return reflection objects that represent the properties of the class.

With the above techniques, you can get some idea of how Java dynamically loads a class. Classes in Java are only loaded when they are needed. When the class is needed, the JVM gives the class name (and other location info such as a URL or JAR file name) to a class loader that finds the class and creates a Class instance for the class. Then the JVM will use the Class object to create an instance of the class.


Every class has a class loader that found the original class file (on local disk or over the network) and loaded the Class object. The class loader for a particular class can be found via the getClassLoader() method in Class.

Class loaders know about communicating with the outside environment and can be used for obtaining other resources besides class files. For example, to load an image or audio file from a JAR file, you can use the getResource() method in Class as in

  URL url = getClass().getResource("image.gif");
  ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url);

The getResource() method in Class actually uses the class loader object. So an alternative is to ask for the class loader directly and use its getResource() method as in

  URL url =
  ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(url);

This surely seems a rather obscure way to carry out the simple task of obtaining an image file but at least it provides some insight into the inner workings of the JVM and class construction.

References & Web Resources


  Demo 1
  Demo 2

  Demo 3
CJ Format Class
  Demo 4   Demo 5
Other Format Tools

Immutable Complex

  Demo 1
Simpson Rule
  Demo 2

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