This chapter looks at a range of practical techniques for building
Java - More
GUI Developent
- Events refer
mouse clicks, strokes on a keyboard, selection of a menu item,
and other actions that a program can respond to.
- Event Processing
- the steps involved in handling events.
- Event examples:
- More Components
- radio buttons, checkboxes and other useful components.
- Layout Managers
- use these tools to arrange components on panels.
- Special classes:
- Frames & Menus
- creating a popup frame for an applet or a frame for a standalone
application program.
- Exercises
- Histogram Display
with User Inferface - building from the histogram example
in Chapter 6: Tech
: Histogram Plot, we add buttons for control and a textfield
for input to illustrate the basics of creating a user interface
for a graphics program. The demo
uses the same HistPanel
component used in the previous example.
- Non-uniform Probability
Distributions - while a flat, uniform random number generator
is available in the core language, other types of distributions
are often required. This section discusses the Transformation
technique for obtaining a probability distribution from a uniform
distribution. The Gaussian distribution is used as an example.
- Rejection Method
for generating arbitrary shaped probability distributions.
- Histogram
Statistics - a subclass of Histogram
provides statistical information on the data.
- Exercises
- expand on the demo programs.
Numbers and Simulations - discusses why the standard uniform
or Gaussian random number generators are not suitable to the
types of distributions often needed in scientific simulations.
Distributions - uses the rejection technique to generate
a custom probability distribution as might be needed in an experiment
Distribution - use a histogram distribution to generate
random numbers that follows that distribution.
Carlo Integration - this technique applies random sampling
to estimate an integral.
Last Update: Feb.1.04