A standard graphical user interface for a program requires a frame
with a border, menubars, dropdown menus, and vaious components in
the body of the frame. The applet below illustrates the basics of
creating a frame with a menubar and menus with the heavyweight AWT
components. It includes a Choice
component with a list. The event handling code shows how to respond
to selection of items on the menus and choice list.
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* This program illustrates how to do a Frame user
* in the basic AWT framework rather than Swing.
public class GUIApplet extends Applet
implements ActionListener
/** A button to create and open an instance of
TheFrame. **/
public void init () {
// Create a button to make and display
// an instance of TheFrame.
Button button = new Button ("Make
a Frame");
button.addActionListener (this);
add (button);
} // init
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
Frame f = new TheFrame ();
f.setVisible (true);
// Allow for standalone operation.
public static void main (String[] s) {
TheFrame tf = new TheFrame ();
tf.setVisible (true);
} // class GUIApplet
/** This frame subclass offers button and
* menu event handling.
class TheFrame extends Frame
implements ActionListener,
Label fLabelA;
Label fLabelB;
TheFrame () {
setTitle ("An AWT Frame Example");
setLayout (new GridLayout (1,3));
Panel choice_panel = new Panel ();
choice_panel.add (new Label ("Quark",
Choice c = new Choice ();
c.addItem ("Up");
c.addItem ("Down");
c.addItem ("Strange");
c.addItem ("Charm");
c.addItem ("Top");
c.addItem ("Bottom");
c.addItemListener (this);
choice_panel.add (c);
add (choice_panel);
fLabelA = new Label ("Quark: Up");
add (fLabelA);
fLabelB = new Label ("Lepton: Electron");
add (fLabelB);
// Use the helper method makeMenuItem
// for making the menu items and registering
// their listener.
Menu m = new Menu ("Lepton");
m.add (makeMenuItem ("Electron"));
m.add (makeMenuItem ("Muon"));
Menu sm = new Menu ("Neutrino");
sm.add (makeMenuItem ("e Neutron"));
sm.add (makeMenuItem ("mu Neutrino"));
m.add (sm);
m.add (makeMenuItem ("Quit"));
MenuBar mb = new MenuBar ();
mb.add (m);
setMenuBar (mb);
setSize (200,200);
pack ();
WindowListener listener =
new WindowAdapter ()
public void
windowClosing (WindowEvent e) {
addWindowListener (listener);
} // ctor
/** Get the combobox item events here. **/
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) {
String command = e.getItem ().toString
if (command.equals ("Quit") )
dispose ();
("Quark: " + command);
/** Get the menu events here. **/
public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e )
String command = e.getActionCommand
if (command.equals ("Quit")) {
dispose ();
} else {
("Lepton: " + command);
} // actionPerformed
/** This "helper method" makes a menu item and
* registers this applet as a listener
to it.
private MenuItem makeMenuItem ( String name) {
MenuItem m = new MenuItem ( name );
m.addActionListener ( this );
return m;
} // class TheFrame |
Latest update: Nov. 4, 2004