While JOptionPane
offers a powerful way to generate basic dialogs, to create more
elaborate interactions with the user you will usually find it necessary
to subclass JDialog
5.0 Specs). With it you can add multiple components, you can
return more than a single value, and you can do checks on the user
inputs and inform the user if those inputs need modification.
In the example below, the applet can open a frame,
which in turn uses an instance of a JDialog
subclass to obtain a URL address from the user. The GetUrlDialog
checks the input for proper form before returning to the caller.
Note that here we use an interface to provide the
callback mechanism. The frame class implements our TextSetable
interface that holds a single method for passing a string. The method
includes an integer arguement as well, to identify the particular
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* This program illustrates the creation of a
JDialog subclass.
* It follows the example of a request to the
user to input a URL
* address.
* The applet uses a JFrame subclass with a menubar
and buttons
* that can create an instance of GetUrlDialog,
which is a subclass
* of JDialog. It will pass the URL text back
to the frame using
* a method from the TextSetable interface.
public class MakeJDialogApplet extends JApplet
implements ActionListener
public void init () {
Container content_pane = getContentPane
JPanel panel = new JPanel (new BorderLayout
JButton button_open = new JButton
button_open.addActionListener (this);
panel.add (button_open, "Center");
content_pane.add (panel);
} // init
// Open the frame
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e )
String command = e.getActionCommand
if (command.equals ("Open")) {
// Create
an instance of the frame and show it.
f = new MakeJDialogFrame (this);
} // actionPerformed
} // class MakeJDialogApplet
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
/** This frame uses the TextSetable interface for a call
* back from the dialog to provide URL text.
public class MakeJDialogFrame extends JFrame
implements ActionListener, TextSetable
// Keep a reference to the applet parent.
MakeJDialogApplet fApplet;
JLabel fLabel;
int URL_TEXT = 1;
/** Create the frame with a couple of buttons
* a menubar with one dropdown menu.
MakeJDialogFrame (MakeJDialogApplet applet)
super ("Frame Test");
fApplet = applet;
Container content_pane = getContentPane
// Create a simple interface.
content_pane.setLayout ( new GridLayout
(2,1) );
content_pane.add (fLabel =
new JLabel ("http://www.default.com",JLabel.CENTER));
JPanel panel = new JPanel ();
JButton button1 = new JButton ("Get
button1.addActionListener (this);
JButton button_quit = new JButton
button_quit.addActionListener (this);
panel.add (button1);
panel.add (button_quit);
content_pane.add (panel);
// Use the helper method makeMenuItem
// for making the menu items and
// their listener.
JMenu m = new JMenu ("Tasks");
// Menu items for the drop down
m.add (makeMenuItem ("Get URL"));
m.add (makeMenuItem ("Quit"));
JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar ();
mb.add (m);
setJMenuBar (mb);
pack ();
} // ctor
// Override the TextSetable method with this
concrete version
// which gets the URL from the dialog.
public void setText (int textID, String text)
if (textID == URL_TEXT) {
fLabel.setText (text);
} // setText
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
String command = e.getActionCommand
if (command.equals ("Get URL"))
// Open
a dialog to get the text for a URL
getUrl =
new GetUrlDialog
(this, this, URL_TEXT,
fLabel.getText (),
true, "Input URL");
} else if (command.equals ("Quit"))
} // actionPerformed
// This "helper method" makes a menu item and
// registers this applet as a listener to it.
private JMenuItem makeMenuItem (String name)
JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem ( name
m.addActionListener ( this );
return m;
} // class MakeJDialogFrame
/** This
interface provides for a callback to pass text. **/
interface TextSetable
/** The textID allows the receiving class to
* identify what the text represents
using its
* own ID numbering scheme.
void setText(int textID, String text);
} // interface TextSetable
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
* This program illustrates how to create a dialog
* subclassing JDialog. Here we use the example
of obtaining
* a URL from the user. Provides a dialog to
enter URL
* for the downloading a story over the web.
public class GetUrlDialog extends JDialog implements
JFrame fParent;
JTextField fUrlField;
String fUrlData;
Container fContainer;
GridBagLayout fGridBag;
GridBagConstraints fGBC = new GridBagConstraints
JButton fButtonOK;
JButton fButtonHelp;
TextSetable fUrlRequestor; // Use TextSetable
interface for callback
int fTextID = 0; // Type of text
public GetUrlDialog (JFrame frame,
urlRequestor, int textID,
modal, String title) {
// Call the JDialog constructor.
super (frame, title, modal);
fUrlData = urlData;
fParent = frame;
// Get requestor for call back
fUrlRequestor = urlRequestor;
fTextID = textID;
fContainer = this.getContentPane
// Set the background color of DateDialog.
fContainer.setBackground (Color.white);
// Create a confirmation
fButtonOK = new JButton ("OK");
fButtonOK.setMnemonic ('O');
fButtonOK.setPreferredSize (new
Dimension (70, 25));
fButtonOK.addActionListener (this);
// Create a cancel button.
JButton button_cancel = new JButton
button_cancel.setMnemonic ('C');
button_cancel.setPreferredSize (new
Dimension (75, 25));
// Create a help button.
fButtonHelp = new JButton ("Help");
fButtonHelp.setMnemonic ('H');
fButtonHelp.setPreferredSize (new
Dimension (70, 25));
fButtonHelp.addActionListener (this);
// Create a panel to
hold the buttons
JPanel button_panel = new JPanel
button_panel.setBackground (Color.white);
button_panel.add (fButtonOK);
button_panel.add (button_cancel);
button_panel.add (fButtonHelp);
// Use a gridbag layout
for the contentpane
fGridBag = new GridBagLayout ();
fContainer.setLayout (fGridBag);
fGBC.fill = GridBagConstraints.BOTH;
fGBC.gridwidth=6; fGBC.gridheight=1;
fGBC.weightx=1; fGBC.weighty=1;
fGBC.insets = new Insets (10,20,10,20);
addGB (button_panel, 0,1);
// Give the labels a small weightx
and a
// width of 1 to push them to the
fGBC.weightx=0.10; fGBC.weighty=1.0;
fGBC.gridwidth=1; fGBC.gridheight=1;
fGBC.insets = new Insets (0,0,0,10);
JLabel label = new JLabel ("URL",SwingConstants.RIGHT);
addGB (label,0,0);
// Give the textfields a large weightx
and a
// width of 5 so they will have
a long x width
fGBC.weightx=1.0; fGBC.weighty=1.0;
fGBC.insets = new Insets (10,0,10,10);
fGBC.gridwidth=5; fGBC.gridheight=1;
fUrlField = new JTextField
addGB (fUrlField,1,0);
fUrlField.setText (fUrlData);
// Resize the dialog box and position
it at the center of
// the applet.
setSize (300,125);
Dimension dialogDim = getSize ();
Dimension frameDim = frame.getSize
Dimension screenSize = getToolkit
().getScreenSize ();
Point location = frame.getLocation
location.translate (
location.x = Math.max ( 0, Math.min
screenSize.width-getSize ().width));
location.y = Math.max (0, Math.min
screenSize.height-getSize ().height));
setLocation (location.x, location.y);
setVisible (true);
} // ctor
public void addGB (Component component, int
x, int y) {
fGBC.gridx=x; fGBC.gridy = y;
fGridBag.setConstraints (component,
fContainer.add (component);
} // addGB
/** When the OK button on the dialog box is
clicked. **/
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
if (e.getSource () == fButtonOK) {
= fUrlField.getText ().trim ();
// Check
the entry for proper length and form.
if (fUrlData.length
() == 0) {
"Empty URL entry!", "Input Error",
// Use the
URL class to determine if the URL
// entry
is in proper form.
try {
url = new java.net.URL (fUrlData);
catch (java.net.MalformedURLException
ex) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null,
"Malformed URL entry!", "Input Error",
// Pass
the URL back to the caller. Use the fTextID
// number
to let caller know what type of text is being
// passed.
(fTextID, fUrlData);
} else if (e.getSource () == fButtonHelp)
"Help message...");
// Don't close dialog
// Close dialog after OK or Cancel
button clicked
this.dispose ();
} // actionPerformed
} // GetUrlDialog
References & Web Resources
Latest update: Nov. 4, 2004