The demo applets here will illustrate four more of the Swing JComponent
classes that allow the user to select among a group of choices or
to set values:
Each example uses the UiTestApplet
class, which adds one of four types of JPanel
subclasses. Each subclass has one of the above components and is
used to set the background color of another blank panel (OutputPanel)
in the top area of the applet. The panels are selected according
to the applet tag param
For example, the first check box case uses
<applet code=UiTestApplet.class
width="200" height="80">
<param name="Choose Panel" value="Checkboxes">
are added to the applet's content pane.
Checkboxes are useful for providing several non-exclusive options:
+ UiTestApplet
+ OutputPanel
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* Display one of four types of component panels
* to control the background color on a separate
* Applet parameter selects the type of panel.
public class UiTestApplet extends JApplet
/** Create the user interface with OutputPanel
and ControlPanel.**/
public void init () {
//Container content_pane = getContentPane
// Create an instance of OutputPanel
OutputPanel output_panel = new OutputPanel
// Find out from the applet tag
which of the four
// panels to use. Each panel demonstrates
a different
// type of control component.
String panel_choice = getParameter
("Choose Panel");
JPanel control_panel;
// Create an instance of the control
if (panel_choice.equals ("Checkboxes"))
= new CheckBoxesPanel (output_panel);
else if (panel_choice.equals ("Radiobuttons"))
= new RadioButtonsPanel (output_panel);
else if (panel_choice.equals ("List"))
= new ListPanel (output_panel);
= new SliderPanel (output_panel);
// Add the panels to applet's pane.
content_pane.add (output_panel,
content_pane.add (control_panel,
} // init
} // class UiTestApplet
import java.awt.*;
/** Create a JPanel subclass called OutputPanel.
* It provides a method to set its color plus
* a paintComponent method.
public class OutputPanel extends JPanel {
Color fBgColor = Color.RED;
/** Set the color by passing the 3 RGB component
* values (with ranges 0-255).
void setColor (int cr, int cg, int cb) {
fBgColor = new Color (cr,cg,cb);
repaint ();
/** For Swing components you must override
* paintComponent () rather than paint
public void paintComponent (Graphics g) {
super.paintComponent (g);
// Now we fill a rectangle the size
of the
// panel with the chosen color.
g.setColor (fBgColor);
g.fillRect (0, 0, getWidth (), getHeight
() );
} // paintComponent
} // class OutputPanel |
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
* The CheckBoxesPanel uses check boxes to set
* the color of the output panel.
public class CheckBoxesPanel extends JPanel
implements ItemListener
JCheckBox fRed, fGreen, fBlue;
OutputPanel fOutputPanel;
/** Constructor adds 3 check boxes to the panel.
CheckBoxesPanel (OutputPanel output_panel) {
fOutputPanel = output_panel;
// Initial color is red so select
this button.
fRed = new JCheckBox ("Red", true);
fRed.addItemListener (this);
add (fRed);
fGreen = new JCheckBox ("Green");
fGreen.addItemListener (this);
add (fGreen);
fBlue = new JCheckBox ("Blue");
fBlue.addItemListener (this);
add (fBlue);
}// ctor
* An item event from a check box comes
here when
* the user clicks on one.
public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent evt) {
if (evt.getStateChange () == ItemEvent.SELECTED)
int cr = (fRed.isSelected ()
? 0xFF : 0);
int cg = (fGreen.isSelected () ? 0xFF
: 0);
int cb = (fBlue.isSelected () ?
0xFF : 0);
fOutputPanel.setColor (cr,cg,cb);
} // itemStateChanged
} // class CheckBoxesPanel |
Radio buttons are for those cases where only one
of several options can be selected:
+ UITestApplet
+ ControlPanel
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
* The RadioButtonsPanel holds radio buttons
that set
* the color of the output panel.
public class RadioButtonsPanel extends JPanel
implements ActionListener
JRadioButton fRed = null, fGreen = null, fBlue
= null;
OutputPanel fOutputPanel = null;
RadioButtonsPanel (OutputPanel output_panel)
fOutputPanel = output_panel;
// RadioButtons need to be organized
with a
// ButtonGroup object.
ButtonGroup group = new ButtonGroup
fRed = new JRadioButton ("Red",
fRed.addActionListener (this);
// Add the JRadioButton instance
to both the
// ButtonGroup and the panel.
group.add (fRed);
add (fRed);
fGreen = new JRadioButton ("Green",
fGreen.addActionListener (this);
group.add (fGreen);
add (fGreen);
fBlue = new JRadioButton ("Blue",
fBlue.addActionListener (this);
group.add (fBlue);
add (fBlue);
} // ctor
/** Action events come here when the user
clicks on a button.**/
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt) {
// Default color component values.
int cr=0;
int cg=0;
int cb=0;
// Only one button can be selected
at a time
// so choose one color and then
set the output
// panel color.
Object source = evt.getSource
if ( source == fRed)
cr = 0xFF;
else if (source == fGreen)
cg = 0xFF;
else if (source == fBlue)
cb = 0xFF;
fOutputPanel.setColor (cr,cg,cb);
} // actionPerformed
} // class RadioButtonsPanel
The JList
component provides a way of offering a list of items from which
the user can select.
Depending on how the JList
instance is configured, either a single item can be selected,
or multiple items selected.
+ UITestApplet
+ OutputPanel
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
* The ListPanel holds the JList component with
* that determine the color of the output panel.
public class ListPanel extends JPanel
OutputPanel fOutputPanel;
/** Constructor adds a JList to the panel. **/
ListPanel (OutputPanel output_panel) {
fOutputPanel = output_panel;
String [] colors = {
JList color_list = new JList (colors);
// Show only 4 items in the list
at a time.
color_list.setVisibleRowCount (4);
// Allow only one of the items to
be selected.
color_list.setSelectionMode (
// Select initially the top item.
color_list.setSelectedIndex (0);
// Add to a JScrollPane so that
we can have
// a scroller to view other items.
JScrollPane scroll_pane = new JScrollPane
add (scroll_pane);
} // ctor
/** This class implements the ListSelectionListener
* so events come to this valueChanged
public void valueChanged (ListSelectionEvent
evt) {
// Default color component values.
int cr=0;
int cg=0;
int cb=0;
// Get the reference to the JList
JList source = (JList)evt.getSource
// and get an array of the selected
Object [] values = source.getSelectedValues
// In this case only one value can
be selected
// so just look at first item in
String color_selected = (String)values[0];
if ( color_selected.equals ("Red")
cr = 0xFF;
else if (color_selected.equals ("Green")
cg = 0xFF;
else if (color_selected.equals ("Blue")
cb = 0xFF;
else if (color_selected.equals ("Yellow")
cr = 0xFF;
cg = 0xFF;
}else if (color_selected.equals
("White") ){
cr = 0xFF;
cg = 0xFF;
cb = 0xFF;
fOutputPanel.setColor (cr,cg,cb);
} // valueChanged
} // class ListPanel |
Sliders allow the user to choose from a continuous
range of values rather than from discrete values in a set of
radio buttons or in a list.
+ UITestApplet
+ OutputPanel
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
* The SliderPanel holds three JSlider widgets
that set
* the color of the output panel.
public class SliderPanel extends JPanel
implements ChangeListener {
OutputPanel fOutputPanel;
JLabel fRedLabel,fGreenLabel,fBlueLabel;
JSlider fRed,fGreen,fBlue;
SliderPanel (OutputPanel output_panel) {
fOutputPanel = output_panel;
setLayout (new GridLayout (3, 2));
add (fRedLabel = new JLabel ("Red
0 ",SwingConstants.RIGHT) );
// The JSlider constructor parameters:
// orientation, minimum,
maximum, inital value
// The sliders are set horizontally.
// The values range from 0 to 255.
// Set the red slider to max initially
to match the
// initial Red color for the output
add (fRed = new JSlider (JSlider.HORIZONTAL,
0, 255, 255));
fRed.addChangeListener (this);
add (fGreenLabel = new JLabel ("Green
0 ",SwingConstants.RIGHT));
add (fGreen = new JSlider (Adjustable.HORIZONTAL,
0, 255, 0));
fGreen.addChangeListener (this);
add (fBlueLabel = new JLabel ("Blue
0 ",SwingConstants.RIGHT) );
add (fBlue = new JSlider (Adjustable.HORIZONTAL,
0, 255, 0));
fBlue.addChangeListener (this);
} // ctor
/** This class is the AdjustmentListener for
* scroll bar. So the events come
here when the
* scroll bar is moved.
public void stateChanged (ChangeEvent evt){
// Use the labels to show the numerical
values of the
// scroll bar settings.
fRedLabel.setText ( "Red
" + fRed.getValue () );
fGreenLabel.setText ("Green " +
fGreen.getValue ());
fBlueLabel.setText ( "Blue " +
fBlue.getValue () );
// Get the values from each scroll
bar and pass
// them as the color component values.
fOutputPanel.setColor (fRed.getValue
(), fGreen.getValue (),
fBlue.getValue ());
fOutputPanel.repaint ();
} // stateChanged
} // class SliderPanel |
The above examples give the essential steps for
using these components. However, they provide many other options.
For more information on the above components, see the API
Specifications and the resources below.
References and Web
Latest update: Nov. 3, 2006