For many types of scientific simulations, randomness
is a key feature. In the microscopic world, quantum mechanics works
with probabilistic analysis rather than strict determinism. For
example, in the simulation of elastic collisions (that is, the particle
types don't change) in a high energy particle experiment, the scattering
angle of a particle off another should differ from collision to
collision just as they do in an experiment. The theory gives us
the distributions over many events of angles, energies, and momenta
for the scattered particles.
Similarly, in the macroscopic world we deal with many
random processes. A simulation of the lifetime of a low earth orbiting
satellite must deal with the fluctuations in atmospheric density
due to solar flares and other solar heating variations. A simulation
of a mechanical system, such as a pump, might allow for random variations
in material strengths and dimensions to see how performance and
lifespan will vary among many such devices produced from an assembly
Not Your Usual Random Distribution
The random parameters in such cases don't always follow
a nice flat uniform distribution or a Guassian. For example, in
the the particle collision case, the scattering angle would typically
peak in the forward direction and drop to low, but not necessarily
zero values (as Rutherford discovered) for scatteing of 180 degrees
Furthermore, real world details can bias the distributions
in unique ways. Our particle scattering simulation might also simulate
a detector surrounding the collisions. The detector will typically
cover less than the full solid angle and might have inefficiencies
and dead areas at the seams between detector components.
Running our scattering simulator will result in most
scattered particles going down the beampipe and not into the detector.
If we are studying the efficiencies of our detector we might want
to skip the simulation of the collisions and just "artificially"
produce particles going through our detector. We could use a random
"angle generator" that only produces particles at angles
that enter active areas of the detector.
Generating Custom Random
In Chapter 4:
Tech we discussed the uniform random number generators available
in the core language packages. In Chapter
7: Tech we discussed generating non-uniform distributions with
the transformation and rejection techniques. In the next section
- Generating Custom Random Distributions
- we use the rejection method to generate a random distribution
that follows a sloped line. In the Histogram
Distribution page we will use a given histogram distribution
to guide the generation of random values via the rejection technique.
Last Update: Feb.1.04